How to Keep Your Job

Angela Chester
8 min readFeb 13, 2024

Actions to Keep Money in Your Pocket

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

A big part of your having money involves holding onto your job. When you are working, it is a form of financial security.

There are other forms of income such as a family business or inheritance. However, for most of us, having and keeping a job is essential for survival.

Ideally, no one wants to be out of work unexpectedly. You have bills and responsibilities. You want to take care of yourself and your loved ones. As a result, even if the job is not perfect, you want to keep it until you find another one.

Do More Than You Are Paid to Do — Napoleon Hill

At a time when most people are doing as little as possible, you can easily stand out by doing more than your 40 hours per week.

In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s book Essays, he discussed the principle of compensation “Every virtue is rewarded, and every crime punished.” A person will get compensated for what they add or subtract from others.

You can start by working an extra 15 -30 minutes, per day or when you can, on projects that interest you and can benefit the department.

From a time perspective, you don’t want to be the person who comes in at 8:00 then goes for coffee and breakfast, talks with associates, and begins work…



Angela Chester

I have worked in financial services for over 20 years. I enjoy helping people grow in their relationship with their money, family, and themselves.